To Jesus, you are not just a statistic!

What Made The Difference

Scripture Reading -

Ephesians 3:19-20 -And to know the Love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that you might be filled with all the fulness of God. 20 Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think... 

Our opening verse is loaded with wealth! It reveals the true power and influence of the revelation of Christ's Love on your life!

You see Beloved, the Love of Jesus Christ for you is not only for your salvation from sin and hell, neither is it simply meant to give you an emotional high whenever you're in trouble, but rather, God's Love is to give you a great and victorious life in God here and now.

This Love is what makes all the difference!

 Opening Verse 19 says: "...and to know the Love of Christ which passes knowledge that youmight be filled with all the fullness of God!

Now remember, God is Love.

This means that the more you are filled with the knowledge of His love, the more you are filled with the fulness of God! But this fulness of God in you can never fail in any circumstance! It's impossible for God in you to fail you!

 Put another way,this degree to which you are able to accept and receive God's love byrevelation, is the degree to which you are filled with God and His God-kind of victory. More revelation of Agape, more fulness of God in you, and more victory manifest in your life, because Love never fails.

 That's why Romans 8:37 declares; all these things we are more than Conquerors through[Christ] who loved us

 And being filled with God translates into a certainty of certain things. There is no more room for clingy sickness and disease, demonic oppressions, darkness, gloom and doom.God has filled you up! There's no more room for failure, no more room for loss,no room for poverty, no more room for shame, for none of these can thrive where God is full!

But the key is the knowledge of His love for you!

 Opening Verse 20 then gives us another secret!

You have always been taught to exercise your faith so that you may receive from God. And there's a place for that. But now we see that there is a place where the fulness of God's love for you can override your need for faith.

The verse says; God" able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think..."

 I have always said you had no opportunity to ask for it, when and how did you exercise faith for it?

Better still, if you did not even think about it, it never even crossed your mind at all, when did you exercise faith for it?

 The answer is, YOU DID NOT! LOVE simply gives it to you unconditionally! You see, Love is greater than faith, and the greater always covers the lesser. A man blessed through his faith may boast in his faith, but a man blessed through the Love Revelation can only boast of God's Love for him. There's a big difference!

 In this realm of Love, things will happen to you that you didn't think, pray for, or fast for.

And when that happens to you, you will have nothing to brag about BUT only this; He loves meIt's not because I fasted much, prayed much, studied much, no!

But He loves me! He loves me! He loves ME!

And so where your faith may fail you, His Love never fails!

Receive more Love today and expect the miraculous to happen to you!

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Experience God's love, power, presence, and purpose in your life every day!

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